Economic Warfare: When is it warfare and when is it effective? / Dr. Dale L. Smith

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Economic Warfare: When is it warfare and when is it effective? In this presentation we will investigate what is and what is not “economic warfare,” how and where these policies have been used in the past, the extent to which their use is expanding, and under what conditions they are effective. BIOGRAPHY…

Lunch Bunch – March 24

Join your fellow members for some lunch social time. We'll be meeting at Napa on Providence for lunch. Here's a link to their menu: Napa on Providence menu  

Field Trip: Billy Graham Library

The Billy Graham Library has recently been renovated. Join your fellow members for a field trip to tour the newly updated library. Carpooling available. Meet at Church at 12:45 pm.  

War Crimes / Dr. Jacob Wobig

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Pursuing Accountability for War Crimes in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict It has become increasingly clear that there have seen serious abuses of civilians and prisoners of war in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  Many of these abuses may rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity.  However, the application and enforcement of…

Exploring Mysteries Through Film / Sam Shapiro

Zoom Registration Required

TOPIC: Exploring Mysteries Through Film Sam Shapiro has taught courses in Film Studies and American Studies at UNC-Charlotte for 25 years. He specializes in a variety of subjects, including “Alfred Hitchcock”, “Stanley Kubrick”, “American Cinema of the 1970s”, “History of Silent Cinema” and “Crime in American Film & Literature”. Sam recently retired from Charlotte Mecklenburg…

New Member Orientation – Friday April 14

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization - the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106, PUMC.

Aging & Longevity: How to Maximize Your Health Span / Carlos Jorge, MD

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Aging & Longevity: How to Maximize Your Health Span Companion Health Dr. Carlos Jorge, who combines both functional and conventional medicine, will examine and define aging. What is it? Why and how does it happen? He'll explore lifespan vs. "healthspan", educate on metaflammaging, and what the future of aging looks like. You'll learn about…

The Trail of History Along Little Sugar Creek / Tony Zeiss, PhD

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Trail of History Along Little Sugar Creek P. Anthony Zeiss, Ed.D., has now formally retired. Previously, he was the Executive Director of the Museum of the Bible – an innovative, global, educational institution, whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the history, the impact, and the narrative of the Bible.…

Wildacres Spring 2023 Retreat / April 24-27, 2023

Wildacres Retreat 1565 Wildacres Road, Little Switzerland, NC, United States

Speaker / Topic: Dr. Majorie Spruill / Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics Christopher Brook, Esq. / From Roe to Dobbs Details Here

Relationship Between the US and China / Dr. Cheryl Brown

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: The Relationship Between the US and China  Dr. Cheryl Brown is the Chair and Associate Professor for the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at UNC—Charlotte. Courses she teaches include the Politics of China, East Asia in World Affairs, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Privacy, Ethics and Governance, and others. Her…

Lunch Bunch – April 28

Join your fellow members for some lunch social time. Rooster's SouthPark location 6601 Carnegie Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28211  

Deadly Declarations Novel with Author Landis Wade

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Meck Dec: How Charlotte's Actions on May 20, 1775 Inspired My Novel, Deadly Declarations In this presentation, we explore the lead up to the revolutionary war and how those events unfolded to cause Charlotte to declare independence from the most powerful nation in the world on May 20, 1775, and we explore the…

Field Trip: Walking Tour South End with Tom Hanchett

SOLD OUT! Waitlist is now full as well. Historian Tom Hanchett leads a 90 minute (about 1.5 mile) stroll in what is today booming South End — but includes parts of the Dilworth Historic District, Charlotte’s first streetcar suburb. We’ll walk a loop past Victorian-era homes and factories, intermingled among new development. Afterward, if you…

2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, What to Expect in the Carolinas with Brad Panovich

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, What to Expect in the Carolinas with Brad Panovich A detailed look at the climatological set-up for the upcoming hurricane season. BIOGRAPHY Growing up outside of Cleveland, Ohio, I've always been fascinated by severe weather. I love thunderstorms, tornadoes, blizzards and hurricanes. My parents thought I was crazy, but they…

Queens University of Charlotte: Today and Tomorrow with Dr. Sarah Fatherly

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Queens University of Charlotte: Today and Tomorrow The chief academic officer of Queens will visit with the Seniors Scholars to share an update on current campus activities as well as discuss the aspirational strategic vision that is guiding its plans for the near future. BIOGRAPHY Sarah Fatherly is the chief academic officer for Queens…

Sorting Out Charlotte with Dr. Tom Hanchett

Providence United Methodist Church (PUMC) - Wolfe Hall 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina

Today’s top local issues — school boundaries, affordable housing, gentrification — are often shaped by Charlotte’s neighborhood geography. How did Charlotte develop its current ”wedge and crescent” pattern of wealth in the south, less prosperity across the center of the county? Community historian Dr. Tom Hanchett returns to explore that sometimes surprising story, based on…

Classical Music of Spain and Latin America with Frank Dominguez

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Classical Music of Spain and Latin America SPEAKER: Frank Dominguez, General Manager, WDAV and Host of Concierto The presentation explores the variety of ethnic and religious influences that make up Spanish culture, and demonstrates how these sources are expressed in the music of Spain. It also traces the development of musical nationalism in Europe, and…

Curriculum Meeting with Jane Howard – September 13

Zoom Registration Required

Curriculum Meetings are open to Membership.  Join our Curriculum meetings to hear about upcoming speakers/events or to suggest speakers you know (or have heard speak) and believe would be of interest to your fellow Senior Scholars.

New Member Orientation – Friday September 15

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization – the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106 in PUMC.

AARP’s Advocacy Role Nationally & Locally with Rebecca Gilbert

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: AARP's Advocacy: Representing the 50+ in North Carolina and the Nation SPEAKER: Rebecca Gilbert, Associate State Director for AARP in the Charlotte Region. This presentation will walk participants through how AARP advocates on behalf of older adults in Charlotte, on the North Carolina state scale, and nationwide. BIOGRAPHY Rebecca Gilbert is the Associate State Director…

Global Famine with Dr. Colleen Hammelman

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Global Famine SPEAKER: Dr. Colleen Hammelman, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences and Director of the Charlotte Action Research Project at UNC Charlotte World hunger has galvanized public attention and policymakers for centuries. While significant political, economic, and technological advances have been made such that the worst cases…

The American Revolution in Mecklenburg County with Hugh Dussek

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The American Revolution in Mecklenburg County SPEAKER:  Hugh Dussek, History Professor, CPCC A presentation about the people living in Mecklenburg County during the American Revolution, the nearby Revolutionary War battles, and the events during the British occupation of Charlotte in the later stages of the war. BIOGRAPHY Originally from London, England, Hugh Dussek has…

Lunch Bunch – September 29

SOLD OUT! Get on the wait list. Join your fellow members for some lunch social time at Little Mama's Italian restaurant. Space is limited. Sign up at a Friday meeting or RSVP with link above. Parking and entrance is behind the restaurant. Little Mama's Italian restaurant 4521 Sharon Rd Charlotte, NC 28211  

Field Trip: Statues on Little Sugar Creek Parkway

SOLD OUT! Get on the waiting list.  Wednesday October 4th and will be a walking tour of the Statues on Little Sugar Creek Parkway. We will meet at 10:30 am (location provided upon signing up), and the tour will last 90 minutes. The cost is $10 per person payable when they register. Group is limited…

What’s the Prescription for US Healthcare: Nip & Tuck or Major Surgery?

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: What’s the Prescription for US Healthcare: Nip & Tuck or Major Surgery? SPEAKER:  George Bohmfalk, MD Dr. Bohmfalk will discuss the present status of healthcare delivery in the US and various ways in which it might be improved. BIOGRAPHY Dr. Bohmfalk grew up, did his medical training, and practiced neurosurgery in Texas. Since retiring…

Curriculum Meeting with Jane Howard – October 11

Zoom Registration Required

Curriculum Meetings are open to Membership.  Join our Curriculum meetings to hear about upcoming speakers/events or to suggest speakers you know (or have heard speak) and believe would be of interest to your fellow Senior Scholars.

New Member Orientation – Friday October 13

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization - the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106 in PUMC.

How Do Elections Work? with Mary Jo McGowan

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: How do elections work? A look at how election administration works in the US states. SPEAKER: Mary Jo McGowan, Dept of Political Science and Public Administration, UNC-Charlotte How do elections work? After recent elections many people have questions about how elections work, who runs them, and are they secure? Beyond voting and campaigning most…

Medical News Seniors Can Use with Dr. Soden at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Medical News Seniors Can Use A Joint Presentation of Senior Scholars & Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Medical advances just keep coming, and Dr. Soden will help seniors understand what are the latest that they need to know. Join us at the beautiful Friendship Missionary Conference Center for a cup of coffee, new friends, and…

North Carolina’s Energy Future with John Gaertner

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: North Carolina’s Energy Future -- An Independent Perspective on Duke Energy’s Transition to Zero-Carbon SPEAKER: John Gaertner, Climate Consultant Duke Energy, community stakeholders, and the NC Utilities Commission engaged in 2023 to produce the latest Carbon Plan and Integrated Resource Plan for energy generation through the year 2050. This energy transition is complex and…

Shakespeare is Playing You with Dave Collins

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Shakespeare is Playing You SPEAKER: Dave Collins, Professor of English, Emeritus Shakespeare's language, Early Modern English, can be confusing for people who haven't spent a lot of time with the Bard. Best advice? Don't worry about understanding every word. Enjoy yourself and focus on the big picture. Sometimes understanding depends on knowing about ideas…

Catawba History 101 with Kassidy Plyler

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Catawba History 101: History and Traditions of the Catawba Nation SPEAKER: Kassidy Plyler, Cultural Programs Docent/Exhibit Coordinator, Catawba Cultural Center Catawba History 101 explores the rich 6,000-year history of the Catawba Nation BIOGRAPHY Kassidy Plyler is an enrolled citizen of the Catawba Nation, born January 24th, 1992, and raised in Rock Hill, South Carolina.…

Curriculum Meeting with Jane Howard – November 8

Zoom Registration Required

Curriculum Meetings are open to Membership.  Join our Curriculum meetings to hear about upcoming speakers/events or to suggest speakers you know (or have heard speak) and believe would be of interest to your fellow Senior Scholars.

New Member Orientation – Friday November 10

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization – the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106 in PUMC.

Responsible Citizens—The Lifeblood of America with Major General David Richwine (Ret.)

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Responsible Citizens—The Lifeblood of America SPEAKER: Major General, United States Marine Corps (Ret.) In his world renowned speech to the French at the Sorbonne on April 23, 1910, T. Roosevelt opined: A democratic republic such as ours—an effort to realize in its full sense government by, of, and for the people—represents the most gigantic…

Lunch Bunch – November 10

SOLD OUT! You may join a wait list. Join your fellow members for some lunch social time at Phillips Bistro at Phillips Place. Space is limited. Sign up at a Friday meeting or RSVP with link above. Parking and entrance is behind the restaurant. Phillip's Bistro 6809-A Phillips Place Court Charlotte, NC 28210  

The Complicated, Immersive Worlds of Whitfield Lovell with Dr. Jen Edwards, Chief Curator, Mint Museum

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Complicated, Immersive Worlds of Whitfield Lovell SPEAKER: Dr. Jen Edwards, Mint Museum of Art Chief curator and curator of contemporary art New York-based artists Whitfield Lovell creates meticulous portrait drawings and immersive installations that envelope the viewer’s every sensory response. Fresh soil, a tumbler of bourbon, cicadas humming, a gospel chorus swelling in…

Holiday Luncheon – December 19

Carmel Country Club 4735 Carmel Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Date: December 19, 2023 Time: 12 noon (doors open at 11:30 am) Place: Carmel Country Club Cost: $45/person. Payable at Friday meetings or mail a check payable to Senior Scholars. Address: Senior Scholars at Queens; ATTN: Eileen Griggs; 1900 Selwyn Avenue MSC 1409; Charlotte, NC 28274.