Curriculum Meeting with Jane Howard – March 8

Zoom Registration Required

Curriculum Meetings are open to Membership.  Join our Curriculum meetings to hear about upcoming speakers/events or to suggest speakers you know (or have heard speak) and believe would be of interest to your fellow Senior Scholars.

A Mix of Medical Information / Dr. Kevin Soden

TOPIC: A Mix of Medical Information I Learned on the Way to Something Else NOTE: This program will be at the Queens University Sports Complex. Medical knowledge is constantly changing and misinformation abounds. This lecture provides practical information about Superbugs, Non-operating room anesthesia, Avian flu, and the latest on pandemic risks. Attendees will learn how…

New Member Orientation – Friday March 17

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend, in person or on Zoom, our monthly New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization - the best way to meet new people!

Arts and Culture – The Charlotte Way / Kevin Patterson

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Arts and Culture – The Charlotte Way Our presenter will give a look into the arts and culture in the Charlotte community over the decades. We will discuss the formation of the ASC (Arts and Science Council) to the formation of the Charlotte Arts and Culture Advisory Board. The discussion will include a look…

Economic Warfare: When is it warfare and when is it effective? / Dr. Dale L. Smith

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Economic Warfare: When is it warfare and when is it effective? In this presentation we will investigate what is and what is not “economic warfare,” how and where these policies have been used in the past, the extent to which their use is expanding, and under what conditions they are effective. BIOGRAPHY…

Lunch Bunch – March 24

Join your fellow members for some lunch social time. We'll be meeting at Napa on Providence for lunch. Here's a link to their menu: Napa on Providence menu  

Field Trip: Billy Graham Library

The Billy Graham Library has recently been renovated. Join your fellow members for a field trip to tour the newly updated library. Carpooling available. Meet at Church at 12:45 pm.  

War Crimes / Dr. Jacob Wobig

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Pursuing Accountability for War Crimes in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict It has become increasingly clear that there have seen serious abuses of civilians and prisoners of war in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  Many of these abuses may rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity.  However, the application and enforcement of…

Exploring Mysteries Through Film / Sam Shapiro

Zoom Registration Required

TOPIC: Exploring Mysteries Through Film Sam Shapiro has taught courses in Film Studies and American Studies at UNC-Charlotte for 25 years. He specializes in a variety of subjects, including “Alfred Hitchcock”, “Stanley Kubrick”, “American Cinema of the 1970s”, “History of Silent Cinema” and “Crime in American Film & Literature”. Sam recently retired from Charlotte Mecklenburg…

New Member Orientation – Friday April 14

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization - the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106, PUMC.

Aging & Longevity: How to Maximize Your Health Span / Carlos Jorge, MD

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Aging & Longevity: How to Maximize Your Health Span Companion Health Dr. Carlos Jorge, who combines both functional and conventional medicine, will examine and define aging. What is it? Why and how does it happen? He'll explore lifespan vs. "healthspan", educate on metaflammaging, and what the future of aging looks like. You'll learn about…

The Trail of History Along Little Sugar Creek / Tony Zeiss, PhD

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Trail of History Along Little Sugar Creek P. Anthony Zeiss, Ed.D., has now formally retired. Previously, he was the Executive Director of the Museum of the Bible – an innovative, global, educational institution, whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the history, the impact, and the narrative of the Bible.…

Wildacres Spring 2023 Retreat / April 24-27, 2023

Wildacres Retreat 1565 Wildacres Road, Little Switzerland, NC, United States

Speaker / Topic: Dr. Majorie Spruill / Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics Christopher Brook, Esq. / From Roe to Dobbs Details Here

Relationship Between the US and China / Dr. Cheryl Brown

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: The Relationship Between the US and China  Dr. Cheryl Brown is the Chair and Associate Professor for the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at UNC—Charlotte. Courses she teaches include the Politics of China, East Asia in World Affairs, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Privacy, Ethics and Governance, and others. Her…

Lunch Bunch – April 28

Join your fellow members for some lunch social time. Rooster's SouthPark location 6601 Carnegie Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28211  

Deadly Declarations Novel with Author Landis Wade

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Meck Dec: How Charlotte's Actions on May 20, 1775 Inspired My Novel, Deadly Declarations In this presentation, we explore the lead up to the revolutionary war and how those events unfolded to cause Charlotte to declare independence from the most powerful nation in the world on May 20, 1775, and we explore the…

Field Trip: Walking Tour South End with Tom Hanchett

SOLD OUT! Waitlist is now full as well. Historian Tom Hanchett leads a 90 minute (about 1.5 mile) stroll in what is today booming South End — but includes parts of the Dilworth Historic District, Charlotte’s first streetcar suburb. We’ll walk a loop past Victorian-era homes and factories, intermingled among new development. Afterward, if you…

2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, What to Expect in the Carolinas with Brad Panovich

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, What to Expect in the Carolinas with Brad Panovich A detailed look at the climatological set-up for the upcoming hurricane season. BIOGRAPHY Growing up outside of Cleveland, Ohio, I've always been fascinated by severe weather. I love thunderstorms, tornadoes, blizzards and hurricanes. My parents thought I was crazy, but they…