Current Events in Healthcare with Brad Wilson

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Healthcare Financing for Medicare/Medicaid  SPEAKER: Brad Wilson, CEO Emeritus, BlueCross BlueShield of NC Brad will discuss the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, it’s implementation and potential impacts and what President Biden and President Trump are saying about their respective positions are/may be on the Act and other important healthcare issues. BIOGRAPHY Brad Wilson served as CEO…

Affordable Housing with Tom Hanchett

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Affordable Housing SPEAKER:  Tom Hanchett, Community Historian Community historian Dr. Tom Hanchett is completing a book for UNC Press on the history of one of America's most pressing issues: affordable housing. He’ll share some of his Charlotte research, from public housing in the 1930s to today — and looks forward to your…

Climate Change and Competition with Mark Kelso

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Climate Change and Competition SPEAKER:  Mark Kelso, Queens University Professor Kelso will discuss how the politics of climate change will impact economics, especially competition among businesses and countries. BIOGRAPHY Dr. Mark Kelso is currently Professor of Political Science at Queens University of Charlotte and the 2017 winner of the Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching…

The Search for Life Beyond Earth with Rachel Smith

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The Search for Life Beyond Earth SPEAKER:  Rachel Smith, Head, Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Lab, Curator of Meteorites, Professor, Physics & Astronomy. North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences/Appalachian State University. Astronomer Dr. Rachel Smith will use new planetarium software called OpenSpace to journey from Earth to our neighboring planets, to far beyond the solar…

Overall Budget on Housing & Homelessness with Dimple Ajmera

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Overall Budget on Housing & Homelessness SPEAKER:  Dimple Ajmera, Charlotte City Council At Large member Council member Dimple Ajmera will address and share the overall budget regarding housing and homelessness. BIOGRAPHY Dimple Ajmera, City Council At Large, is proud to be living the American dream. With little means, her parents immigrated to the U.S.…

American Democracy & The Rule of Law in Peril with Michael Luttig

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: American Democracy & The Rule of Law in Peril SPEAKER: Michael Luttig, former US Court of Appeals Judge Michael Luttig, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals (ret.) for the Fourth Circuit, retired from the bench several years ago. A well respected conservative jurist, he advised Vice President Mike Pence on and before…

“Capital L” Leadership: The Story of the Duke Mansion with Peter Blair

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: "Capital L" leadership: The Story of the Duke Mansion and the role of civic leadership in a thriving community. SPEAKER: Peter Blair, President/CEO, The Lynnwood Foundation, Duke Mansion and Lee Institute Duke Mansion is a rare jewel nestled in the crown of the Queen City, a splendid setting for corporate and civic gatherings, milestone…

Attracting International Companies to Charlotte with Ljubomir (L.J.) Stambuk

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Attracting International Companies to Charlotte SPEAKER: Ljubomir (L.J.) Stambuk, President & CEO, World Affairs Council of Charlotte Ljubomir (L.J.) Stambuk joined the World Affairs Council of Charlotte as Executive Director in 2006. Through his dynamic leadership and systematic approach to development and asset building, Stambuk rebuilt the Council’s branding and standing in the community…