Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions!

Here, you’ll find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about our organization, services and policies.

Whether you’re new here or a returning member, this resource is designed to provide you with quick, clear information to enhance your experience and assist with any queries you might have.

If you are unable to locate an answer to your question, use the Contact Us, to send your question and we’ll get back to you.

General FAQs

Senior Scholars is run totally by volunteers.

It’s a great way to make new friends and support our group. Members are always needed to help with activities, such as coffee preparation or field trips.

Check out the Committees page to learn what they do. We welcome your talents and input!

Join us the second Friday of each month at 9 am, Room 106 in Wolfe Hall for New Member Orientation. Look in the Events section for details and registration.

We also offer a Welcome Table at each meeting. Stop by, introduce yourself, have some coffee or tea.

Yes! Lunch Bunch which meets once per month (usually the fourth Friday of the month)* at 11:45 PM.

Table size varies per restaurant but you will sit with maybe 6 or 8 other members which is a great size to get to know your fellow Scholars.

*Exceptions: the months of May, June, July, August, September, November and December.

~ AND ~ After our Friday meetings, you can usually find Senior Scholars enjoying lunch at the Young Dining Hall on the Queens University campus.

Young is located on the first floor of the Trexler Student Center on the main Queens University campus. Their recently re-designed dining hall offers a variety of quality food stations.

Members and their guests do not need to register to attend in person in Wolfe Hall at PUMC.

Guests are required to check-in at the Membership Desk to make a donation.

To attend virtually, via Zoom, follow the registration link on a Senior Scholars email or on this website.


You’ll find our Field Trips and Social Events listed on the Events page.

Social Events include a spring and winter luncheon, as well as monthly Lunch Bunch get togethers.

These provide an opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow members; perhaps discuss your favorite speaker or who you would like to hear in the future.

Many groups limit and/or prohibit advertising from external groups such as ours. Also some ads can be very costly and we are a non-profit group.

We do run ads in free local publications and we continue to enhance our outreach efforts to groups in the community.

When anyone googles “life-long learning”, Seniors Scholars should come up on the internet search. And, we find our best success rate in attracting new members is/has historically been word of mouth from our current members.

So please, help us spread the word! And if you know of a group we should contact, please email info@seniorscholars.net.

For the 2022-2023 academic year a block of 10 meals may be purchased at the discounted rate of $111.87.

Cards may be purchased at Chartwells’ office, located on the lower level of Trexler Student Center, across the hall from the mailroom and downstairs from Young Dining Hall.

Senior Scholars offers a 4 day retreat each spring at Wildacres.

Relaxing days of learning, reflection, fellowship, laughter, entertainment, solitude, sharing and hiking at this beautiful 1,400 acre wilderness retreat near the Blue Ridge Parkway in the spectacular mountains of western North Carolina.

Click here to see more about our Wildacres events.

Past speaker events are available in our Speaker Archive section.

Most of these are available to members only and require a password.

Bring your nametag, your current year membership card.

If you have been recently diagnosed with COVID, are ill, experiencing COVID or flu symptoms or have been exposed in the last five days to a person suffering from COVID or the flu, we ask that you stay home and attend by Zoom.

You can read more about our COVID policies here.

Come early before the opening 10 AM bell, any meeting Friday, to enjoy coffee or hot tea, meet fellow scholars and make new friends who share common interests.

Email FAQs

Weekly emails are sent early on the Monday before the Friday meeting.

Reminder: we do not meet the months of June, July, August and December.

The Senior Scholars email list is neither shared nor sold nor used for any reason other than those consistent with Senior Scholars at Queens email broadcasts. Senior Scholars reserves the right to eliminate entries as desired.

To unsubscribe, simply select and complete the unsubscribe option at the bottom of the weekly email.

Send an Email to:
Using the email address that was unsubscribed:

To: “support@benchmarkemail.com”
Subject: “Please remove me from the Master Unsubscribe List for seniorscholarsnc
Text: Your assistance is appreciated

Whitelisting is the way to ensure that our emails are not blocked.

When the email is sent it normally goes to the member’s inbox, however the email reader or spam software on the receiving computer could either place the message in the “SPAM”, “JUNK”, etc. or simply reject the message.

Look through the “ALL”, “SPAM” or “JUNK” directory to find the email. To fix the problem so it does not occur again follow these instructions, depending on your software. Get help whitelisting the Senior Scholars emails

Membership FAQs

You can order a new nametag at Replacement Nametag for a $10 fee.

The nametag will be mailed to you without the magnet because of US Post Office regulations.

When you next attend a meeting, you can pick up your magnet at the Membership Desk.

Senior Scholars has online directory that is available to members.

Your membership ID and a password are required to access the directory. Upon entering your membership ID number, a password will be sent to your email that is on file.

Click the link below to access the directory.

Online Directory

You can renew in-person at the Membership Desk at PUMC or on-line here.

Please go to: Request Member ID.

You will receive an email with your Member ID which you can present for entrance.

Please stop by the Membership Desk to have a replacement card issued.