Curriculum Committee Meeting – May 14

Zoom Registration Required

Curriculum Committee Meetings are open to Membership.  Join our monthly Curriculum Committee meetings, via Zoom, to hear about upcoming speakers/events or to suggest speakers you know (or have heard speak)…

Charlotte Douglas International Airport Update with Jack Christine

Providence United Methodist Church (PUMC) - Wolfe Hall 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina

TOPIC: Charlotte Douglas International Airport Update SPEAKER: Jack Christine, A.A.E., Chief Infrastructure Officer, CLT Airport Mr. Christine is overseeing Destination CLT, a five-year, $2.5-$3.1 billion capital program that includes planning,…

Spring Luncheon: June 5

Raintree County Club 8600 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC

SPRING LUNCHEON Date: June 5, 2025 Time: 11:30 - 2:00 pm Cost: $45/person Place: Raintree Country Club, 8600 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277 Speaker: Tom Hanchett Topic: Local Restaurants You…

Elections Integrity with Mary Jo McGowan

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Elections Integrity SPEAKER: Mary Jo McGowan, Dept of Political Science and Public Administration, UNC-Charlotte A review of the elections process helps folks understand how elections work and how confident…