Classical Music of Spain and Latin America with Frank Dominguez

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: Classical Music of Spain and Latin America SPEAKER: Frank Dominguez, General Manager, WDAV and Host of Concierto The presentation explores the variety of ethnic and religious influences that make up Spanish culture, and demonstrates how these sources are expressed in the music of Spain. It also traces the development of musical nationalism in Europe, and…

New Member Orientation – Friday September 15

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization – the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106 in PUMC.

AARP’s Advocacy Role Nationally & Locally with Rebecca Gilbert

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: AARP's Advocacy: Representing the 50+ in North Carolina and the Nation SPEAKER: Rebecca Gilbert, Associate State Director for AARP in the Charlotte Region. This presentation will walk participants through how AARP advocates on behalf of older adults in Charlotte, on the North Carolina state scale, and nationwide. BIOGRAPHY Rebecca Gilbert is the Associate State Director…

Global Famine with Dr. Colleen Hammelman

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

GREAT DECISIONS TOPIC: Global Famine SPEAKER: Dr. Colleen Hammelman, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences and Director of the Charlotte Action Research Project at UNC Charlotte World hunger has galvanized public attention and policymakers for centuries. While significant political, economic, and technological advances have been made such that the worst cases…

The American Revolution in Mecklenburg County with Hugh Dussek

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: The American Revolution in Mecklenburg County SPEAKER:  Hugh Dussek, History Professor, CPCC A presentation about the people living in Mecklenburg County during the American Revolution, the nearby Revolutionary War battles, and the events during the British occupation of Charlotte in the later stages of the war. BIOGRAPHY Originally from London, England, Hugh Dussek has…

What’s the Prescription for US Healthcare: Nip & Tuck or Major Surgery?

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: What’s the Prescription for US Healthcare: Nip & Tuck or Major Surgery? SPEAKER:  George Bohmfalk, MD Dr. Bohmfalk will discuss the present status of healthcare delivery in the US and various ways in which it might be improved. BIOGRAPHY Dr. Bohmfalk grew up, did his medical training, and practiced neurosurgery in Texas. Since retiring…

New Member Orientation – Friday October 13

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

All members old and new are invited to attend in person or via Zoom, our New Member Orientation meeting. Learn more about the organization including how to meet people, join events and how you can help the organization - the best way to meet new people! In person meeting is in Room 106 in PUMC.

How Do Elections Work? with Mary Jo McGowan

Hybrid: In-Person at PUMC & via Zoom 2810 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC, United States

TOPIC: How do elections work? A look at how election administration works in the US states. SPEAKER: Mary Jo McGowan, Dept of Political Science and Public Administration, UNC-Charlotte How do elections work? After recent elections many people have questions about how elections work, who runs them, and are they secure? Beyond voting and campaigning most…