Senior Scholar Social Events

Senior Scholars offers a variety of social opportunities for our members.

Weekly Meet and Greet Welcome Table. Every Friday, beginning at 9:30 a.m., grab a cup of coffee or tea, a tasty donut hole and visit with members of the Marketing Committee.

They will meet/make introductions for new and longstanding members, field your questions and provide info about volunteer opportunities.

Additional social events sponsored by Senior Scholars include lunches, field trips, and retreats.

Lunch Brunch

Lunch Bunch is a gathering of Senior Scholars, after our Friday speaker’s talk, at a nearby restaurant.  It’s a great way to make new friends and enjoy old friends.

Sign up (look for it in our Events Page) and join us for Lunch Bunch which meets several times during the year (usually the fourth Friday of the month*) at 11:45 AM following the Friday meeting. Table size varies per restaurant but you will sit with maybe 6 or 8 other members which is a great size to get to know your fellow Scholars.

*Exceptions: May through December.

Holiday Luncheons

Attend the winter and spring luncheons (celebrating the holidays in December and spring in June).

Watch for announcements during our weekly speaker meetings and on our Events Page.

They provide an opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow members. Discuss your favorite speaker or who you would like to hear in the future.

Field Trips

Field trips offer opportunities for smaller groups of members to explore historic sites or interesting cultural activities in our area.

Carpooling is often offered for each Field Trip.

A sample of recent field trips include visits to the Catawba Cultural Center, Mint Museum, Southend Walking Tour and the Charlotte History Museum.

See all our upcoming social events here: Social Events Calendar

Wildacres Retreat

Relaxing days of learning, reflection, fellowship, laughter, entertainment, solitude, sharing and hiking at this beautiful 1,400 acre wilderness retreat near the Blue Ridge Parkway in the spectacular mountains of western North Carolina.

Enjoy 3 nights in a Blue Ridge Parkway Mountaintop Resort with 75 of your Senior Scholar friends!

More details about our annual retreat: Wildacres Retreats

Queens University

Queens University Resources:

Subject to certain restrictions, Queens University offers discounts or limited access to University resources such as academic courses (auditing only), sporting event, food services, and library materials.

For more information on auditing classes, contact Dianne Hagstrom, Administrative Assistant to the Provost,

For more information on other resources and events, contact the SSQ Queens Liaison Chairman at

Queens welcomes Senior Scholars to campus with designated parking off Wellesley Avenue and discounts on lunch in Young Dining Hall of the Trexler Student Center.

Senior Scholars should visit Watkins Hall (blue 15 on the campus map) to get a parking pass from Campus Police (at the east entrance to Watkins Hall near the Diana Statue). Parking is available in the Practice Field Lot, designated with the orange F on the Queens Campus Map (link below).

For the 2024-2025 academic year a block of 10 meals may be purchased at the discounted rate of $121.04 ($12.10 per meal) at the Chartwell office in Morrison Hall. Other block amounts are available up to 100 meals and provide additional discounts.

Chartwells’ office is located in the lower level of Trexler Student Center, across the hall from the mailroom and downstairs from Young Dining Hall.